Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Everything Works Out

So its been a while since I posted on this blog of mine. Not like I don't ever write, I just never post. Thank goodness for that "save draft" option. The more I sit back and think about my life, the more I realize that everything eventually works out. Eventually is the key word. But I like to say that "slow and steady wins the race" Well, I feel like applying that to every aspect of your life really is the icing on the cake. I feel like with the mindset that sometimes "things will never work out" is when we start to settle for less than what we deserve. We then start to believe that what we think we simply deserve doesn't exist because its to good to be true, so what do we do? We settle. I have watched several relationships fail because they decided to not fight for what they originally wanted. For what they thought they deserved. No, I don't think Mr.Perfect exists. But I believe there are those who are perfect for you. But you have to fight and work for what you want, those who are perfect for you also need you to be perfect for them. Maybe perfect isn't the best word to use, because let's face it, no one is perfect. But we know how to try our best and treat others with the love they deserve, and to me, that's perfect. Im no expert in any category of my life, I wish I was. But I know how it feels to follow your heart. And that can go a long long way. Life tends to continue to throw curve balls that really make you mature and then understand that "everything works out." Just in Gods timing. And I just had my world flip upside down, and I think it will continue to do so.

Ever have those moments in life that will mark a day in your own little history book? Those moments that really shake up your world? Well, I had one of those not to long ago, and holy crap, I never saw it coming. I fell in love. Love... You can love a lot of things. Like I love tacos, and I love the beach, but I never thought I could love someone so much I wanted to spend the rest of my life with them. That's something I always dreamt of feeling, not ever expecting it to come, and hit me so hard and so unexpected. I promised myself back in December that I was done with dating, and I was over trying to find "the one"... But then my knight in shining armor decided to show up. And he caught me off guard. He made me feel like the luckiest girl, even when he had no idea I was even falling for him. He would just look at me, and I saw our future with him. He would laugh, and I would laugh with him, and I fell even harder in love. He makes life worth living in.. And that's something that I was lacking. He makes me feel wanted, and important, like nothing in the world matters as long that I'm happy... And happiness I believe is the key to life. And he has shown me that beautiful simplicity to happiness. He's mine, and I'm his... Love is a crazy rollarcoster... And it will continue to have its ups and downs... But I can't wait to experience life by his side, I can't wait to laugh and cry through difficult situations because I know he will be there for me. And the only thing he has to do is look at me with the "it's going to be ok" face, and I'm at peace again. I'm so in love, and I couldnt be more excited for the future... Everything eventually works out, and how grateful I am.

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